Queer women face unique challenges in the dating world, and navigating the world of casual encounters can be especially tricky. With that in mind, we asked 12 queer women to share their biggest dating red flags. From ghosting to lack of communication, here's what they had to say.

Are you tired of constantly stumbling upon red flags when it comes to dating? You're not alone! It's important to be aware of the signs that may indicate a potential relationship isn't going to work out. Whether it's lack of communication or a general lack of interest, being aware of these red flags can save you time and energy in the long run. Check out this list to make sure you're not missing any important warning signs in your dating life.

Communication is Key

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When it comes to dating, communication is key. Many queer women shared that a lack of communication is a major red flag for them. Whether it's being consistently late for dates, not responding to texts or calls, or simply not making an effort to keep in touch, these behaviors can be a major turn-off for many queer women. "If someone doesn't make an effort to communicate with me, I see it as a sign that they're not really interested in getting to know me," says Jenna, 28.

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Inconsistent Behavior

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Inconsistent behavior is another red flag that many queer women mentioned. This can include hot and cold behavior, mixed signals, and mood swings. "I once dated someone who would be really into me one day and then completely distant the next. It was exhausting and made me feel like I was on an emotional rollercoaster," says Sarah, 31. Consistency is important in any relationship, and when someone's behavior is constantly changing, it can be a major red flag.

Lack of Respect

Respect is a non-negotiable in any relationship, and many queer women mentioned that a lack of respect is a major red flag for them. This can include disrespectful comments, not listening to their partner's boundaries, or not taking their partner's feelings into consideration. "I once dated someone who would constantly make disrespectful comments about my appearance and my identity. It made me feel small and unimportant," says Taylor, 25.


Ghosting is a common dating red flag, and many queer women mentioned that it's a major turn-off for them. Being ghosted can be hurtful and confusing, and it can leave a lasting impact on someone's self-esteem. "I once went on a few great dates with someone, and then they completely disappeared. It made me feel like I wasn't even worth a simple text to say they weren't interested," says Alex, 30. Ghosting is a clear sign of someone's lack of respect and consideration for their partner's feelings.

Lack of Accountability

Many queer women mentioned that a lack of accountability is a major red flag for them. This can include never taking responsibility for their actions, blaming others for their mistakes, or refusing to apologize when they're in the wrong. "I once dated someone who would never admit when they were wrong. It made me feel like I was always the one at fault, even when I knew I wasn't," says Jamie, 27. A lack of accountability can be a major red flag in any relationship, as it can lead to a lack of trust and respect.


Insecurity can be a major red flag in a relationship, and many queer women mentioned that it's something they look out for when dating. This can include jealousy, constant need for validation, and being overly possessive. "I once dated someone who would constantly question my every move and get jealous over the smallest things. It made me feel suffocated and like I couldn't be myself," says Maria, 29. Insecurity can lead to toxic behavior and a lack of trust in the relationship.

Lack of Empathy

Empathy is an important trait in any relationship, and many queer women mentioned that a lack of empathy is a major red flag for them. This can include not being able to understand or relate to their partner's feelings, not being supportive in times of need, or dismissing their partner's emotions. "I once dated someone who would never take the time to understand how I was feeling. It made me feel like my emotions didn't matter to them," says Emily, 26. Lack of empathy can lead to feelings of loneliness and disconnect in the relationship.

Inability to Compromise

Compromise is essential in any relationship, and many queer women mentioned that an inability to compromise is a major red flag for them. This can include refusing to meet their partner halfway, always needing things their way, or not being willing to make sacrifices for the relationship. "I once dated someone who would never compromise on anything. It made me feel like my needs and wants didn't matter to them," says Taylor, 25. Inability to compromise can lead to feelings of resentment and imbalance in the relationship.


Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic that involves making someone doubt their own thoughts, feelings, and reality. Many queer women mentioned that gaslighting is a major red flag for them. This can include denying their partner's experiences, twisting the truth, or making them feel like they're going crazy. "I once dated someone who would constantly make me doubt my own reality. It made me feel like I was losing my mind," says Alex, 30. Gaslighting is a clear sign of emotional manipulation and can be extremely damaging to someone's mental health.

Lack of Boundaries

Many queer women mentioned that a lack of boundaries is a major red flag for them. This can include not respecting their partner's boundaries, being overly intrusive, or not having clear boundaries of their own. "I once dated someone who would constantly overstep my boundaries and never respect my need for personal space. It made me feel like I couldn't be myself around them," says Jamie, 27. Lack of boundaries can lead to feelings of suffocation and discomfort in the relationship.

Mood Swings

Mood swings can be a major red flag in a relationship, and many queer women mentioned that they look out for this when dating. This can include sudden changes in mood, unpredictable behavior, and lashing out for no apparent reason. "I once dated someone who would go from being sweet and loving to angry and aggressive in a matter of minutes. It made me feel like I was walking on eggshells around them," says Maria, 29. Mood swings can be a sign of underlying issues that need to be addressed in the relationship.

Disrespectful Language

Disrespectful language is a major red flag for many queer women. This can include using derogatory language, making hurtful comments, or speaking to their partner in a disrespectful manner. "I once dated someone who would constantly use hurtful language towards me. It made me feel like I wasn't worthy of respect," says Emily, 26. Disrespectful language can be a clear sign of someone's lack of respect and consideration for their partner's feelings.

In conclusion, dating as a queer woman comes with its own set of challenges, and it's important to be aware of the red flags that can arise in the dating world. From lack of communication to gaslighting, it's essential to be mindful of these warning signs and prioritize your own well-being in any relationship. By being aware of these red flags, you can empower yourself to make informed and healthy decisions in your dating life.